Friday, September 17, 2010


Trying to learn this song, but can't find the English phonetic lyrics. My Hokkien is not so good, but I'll try to transcribe this. Please help correct if you spot any mistakes.


語言:國語,  曲長:0m0s
作曲:印尼曲,  編曲:
監製:,  填詞:黃敏

Kin bin gui ah bai dong zoh boh sit sai
see zai boh ying gai
Gua ai li zai xim nai
mm gah gong chut lai mm gah hor lang zai
男:想看覓你想看覓 我對你怎樣關懷
xiu kua mai le xiu kua mai gua dui li za yeoh guan huai
女:你的心意 我也不是完全不了解
li eh xim yi gua ya mm see guan juan boh liao gai
男:小姐 你請你給我愛
sio jia! li chia li hor gua ai
女:先生 人歹勢在心內
sen sei lang pai seh zai xim nai
男:有你在身邊 我的心 就充滿了愛的光彩
wu li zai xin pee gua eh xim jio chong ban liao ai eh gong chai
女:有了你的愛 我一生 就沉醉在愛的世界
wu liao li eh ai gua jit xin jio dim zui zai ai eh sei kai

1 comment:

  1. Nice attempt at the transcription. It's interesting that some Taiwanese singers pronounce their 我 as "gua", and some others pronounce theirs as "wa". Anyway, was just wondering, which came first. "Madu dan racun", or this? I doubt it's "Girl, you are my love"
